2016 OpenADR 워크숍 및 Open House (일시:2016.05.25~26, 필라델피아 미국)
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The OpenADR Alliance is hosting a Workshop and Open House on May 24 -25 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown (1201 Market St.), and we’d love to see you there!
If you’re a utility, system operator or a developer, spend the morning of May 24 with those “in the know” to learn how to best implement the Open Automated Demand Response (OpenADR) 2.0 smart grid standard. Then on May 25, utilities, independent system operators (ISO), regulators and control suppliers can meet with Demand Response experts who share a common interest in this rapidly growing marketplace.
Tuesday, May 24th at 8AM-12PM
A Workshop for Utilities, DR Designers & Program Implementers Planning to Use OpenADR 2.0
This half-day workshop is designed for system operators, utilities and others implementing demand response programs. The automation of demand response programs is forecast to grow significantly over the next decade, particularly due to the continued proliferation of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in the grid. DR implementers are constantly evaluating how to create the most efficient, lowest cost systems to support increased scaling and automation of these programs.
Participants will leave the workshop with a solid understanding of how the OpenADR standard operates, backed with a detailed understanding of DR Program design and industry best practices contained in the OpenADR Alliance DR Program Guide.
Wednesday, May 25th 8AM-5PM
Join the OpenADR Alliance for a full day of sessions on OpenADR. This full day event will provide a rare opportunity to meet with Demand Response experts who share a common interest in this rapidly growing marketplace and to learn more about it’s applications and use in the following areas:
- Leveraging Third Party Resources for OpenADR Development
Is There A Transactive OpenADR In Your Future
Getting The Most Out of Bring Your Own Thermostat or Device Programs
Using OpenADR for DER Integration
OpenADR Adoption Outside of North America
Managing OpenADR Security
OpenADR and IoT
Event Fees: (Utilities please email events@openadr.org for free passes)
For Alliance Members:
Workshop only: $199 -- Meeting: $199 -- Attending both: $350
For non-members:
Workshop only: $299 -- Meeting: $299 -- Attending both: $550
For more information:
Email: shannon@openadr.org