Exhibition Overview
지능형소비자 Smart Place |
지능형 운송 Smart Transportation |
지능형 신재생에너지 Smart Renewable |
지능형 전력망 Smart Powergrid |
지능형 서비스 Smart Electricity Service |
기타 ETC. |
참가업체 리스트
Exhibitor List
No. | Booth No. | Exhibitor name (KOR) | Exhibitor name (ENG) |
컨퍼런스 프로그램
Conference program
일정 | 주제 | 연사 | ||
일자 | 시간 | |||
11월 16일(수) | 11:00~11:30 |
Korea Smart Grid Week 개회식 - 개회 공연 (10´) - 개회사: 구자균 ㅣ 한국스마트그리드협회장(5´) - 환영사: 최중경 ㅣ 지식경제부장관(5´) - 축사1: 허남석 ㅣ POSCO ICT 사장(5’) - 축사2: Kilaparti Ramakrishna lUNESCAP동아시아 및 동북아시아 사무소 대표(5’) (Coex 3F 오디토리움) |
11:30~11:40 |
전시장Opening Ceremony (Coex 3F D홀) |
11:40~12:00 |
VIP 전시장 관람 (Coex 3F D홀) |
12:00~13:00 |
지식경제부장관 초청 오찬간담회(초청자에 한함) ※SG실증단지 유공자 지식경제부장관 표창 시상식 (Coex 4F 402호) |
13:20~14:10 |
Global Smart Grid deployment : drivers and market potential Ali Izadil Analyst,New Energy Finance, Bloomberg L.P. (Coex 3F 오디토리움) |
14:10~15:00 |
초청강연 스마트하게 마음을 움직이는 힘 (Coex 3F 오디토리움) |
김정운 (명지대교수, 문화심리학박사) |
15:00~15:20 | Coffee Break | |||
15:20~16:10 |
기조연설 인문학이 기술에게 묻는다 (Coex 3F 오디토리움) |
정진홍 (중앙일보 논설위원) |
16:10~17:00 |
Global Smart Grid Assessment : insufficient particulars and ways for improvement (Coex 3F 오디토리움) |
Fujimori Reiichiro (일본 전력/에너지전문 저널리스트) |
17:00~17:30 |
스마트그리드 정책 추진방향 (Coex 3F 오디토리움) |
도경환 (지식경제부 에너지산업정책관) |
18:00~20:00 |
공식만찬 (초청자에 한함) (코엑스인터컨티넨탈호텔다이아몬드룸) |
11월 17일(목) (국제 스마트그리드 표준협력 컨퍼런스) |
09:20~09:30 |
환영사 (Coex 3F E홀) |
허경 (기술표준원장) |
Session 1 SG 표준화 코디네이터 | ||||
09:30~09:50 |
한국의 SG표준화 프레임워크 개발현황 및 적용방안 (Coex 3F E홀) |
김대경 (기술표준원, SG표준화 코디네이터) |
09:50~10:10 |
미국의 SG표준화프레임워크 개발현황 및 적용방안 (Coex 3F E홀) |
George Arnold (National Coordinator for SG Interoperability, NIST) |
10:10~10:30 |
유럽의 SG표준화 이슈 및 향후 진행방향 (Coex 3F E홀) |
Johannes Stein (SG Coordination Group, EU) |
10:30~10:50 | 토론 | |||
10:50~11:05 | Coffee Break | |||
11:05~11:25 |
기조연설 (Coex 3F E홀) |
Richard Schomberg (Chairman, IEC SMB SG3) |
Session 2 SG 국가별 이슈 | ||||
11:25~11:45 |
일본의 SG표준화 추진방향 및 계획 (Coex 3F E홀) |
Koichi NODA (Director Assessment Policy Division, METI) |
11:45~12:05 |
중국의 SG표준화 추진방향 및 계획 (Coex 3F E홀) |
Changyi LIU (Division Director, Strategy and GeneralDivision, SGCC) |
12:05~12:25 |
독일의 SG표준화 추진방향 및 계획 (Coex 3F E홀) |
Johnnes Stein (Converor Working Group Sustainable Processes, Division Manager Standard,DKE) |
12:25~12:45 | 토론 | |||
12:45~14:00 | 점심 | |||
14:00~14:20 |
기조연설 (Coex 3F E홀) |
Les Brown (Chaiman, ITU-T Focus Group on SG) |
Session 3 SG 기업별 이슈 | ||||
14:20~14:40 |
중국의 Solar City 현황과 표준화 전략 (Coex 3F E홀) |
Huang Ming (Board Chairman, China himin Solar Company) |
14:40~15:00 |
스마트 프로슈머 현황과 표준화 (Coex 3F E홀) |
임형규 (삼성전자, STE팀, 책임) |
15:00~15:20 | Coffee Break | |||
15:20~15:40 |
표준화 전략과 실행 (Coex 3F E홀) |
Scott Henneberry (Vice president, Schneider Electric) |
15:40~16:00 |
에너지관리 시스템 전략 및 표준화 (Coex 3F E홀) |
Richard Guo (Managing Consultant Global Center of Competency forEnergy & Utilities IBM Global Delivery Center, IBM) |
16:00~16:20 | 토론 | |||
11월 18일(금) (SG실증단지Case Study & 전력시장 및 규제 국제심포지엄) |
09:00~09:30 |
Smart Place분야 - 우수 구축 사례발표 (Coex 3F E홀) |
류성남 (LG전자 환경전략실장) |
09:30~10:00 |
Smart Transportation분야 - 우수 구축 사례발표 (Coex 3F E홀) |
최진영 (SK이노베이션 스마트그리드팀장) |
10:00~10:30 |
Smart Renewables분야 - 우수 구축 사례발표 (Coex 3F E홀) |
박용하 (포스코ICT 스마트그리드추진단장) |
10:30~10:50 | Coffee Break | |||
10:50~11:20 |
Smart Grid, Smart City project (Coex 3F E홀) |
George Maltabarow (Managing Director, Ausgrid) |
11:20~12:00 |
기조연설 Smart Grid: Enabler of the New Energy Economy (Coex 3F E홀) |
Guido Bartels (General Manager Global Energy & Utilities Industry, IBM / Chairman, GSGF) |
12:00~12:30 |
Power Grid분야- DMS개발성과 및 실용화전략 (Coex 3F E홀) |
송일근 (Chief Researcher, KEPCO Research Institute) |
12:30~12:45 |
지능형전력망법 시행에 따른 업계 대응방향 (Coex 3F E홀) |
임태섭 (지식경제부 전력진흥과 사무관) |
전력시장 및 국제심포지엄 | ||||
14:00~14:07 |
환영사 (코엑스인터컨티넨탈호텔다이아몬드룸) |
구자윤 (지식경제부 전기위원회 위원장) |
14:07~14:15 |
축사 (코엑스인터컨티넨탈호텔다이아몬드룸) |
김영환 (국회 지경위 위원장) |
14:15~15:00 |
완전 자유화된 시장 안에서의 스마트 시스템 구축 활성화 :신재생에너지 정책의 필요성 (코엑스인터컨티넨탈호텔다이아몬드룸) |
Jorge Vasconcelos (뉴에너지 솔루션 대표, 前 유럽에너지규제위원회 의장) |
15:00~15:45 |
에코도시와 에너지 관리 (프랑스 사례) (코엑스인터컨티넨탈호텔다이아몬드룸) |
Michel Augonnet (佛 CIGRE 위원장, Alstom Grid 수석부사장) |
15:45~16:00 | Coffee Break | |||
16:00~16:45 |
스마트그리드와 전력 사업의 혁신 (미국사례) (코엑스인터컨티넨탈호텔다이아몬드룸) |
Marc Spitzer (미연방 에너지규제위원회 커미셔너) |
16:45~17:30 |
스마트 그리드 구현을 위한 새로운 규제 환경 (캐나다 사례) (코엑스인터컨티넨탈호텔다이아몬드룸) |
Peter Fraser (온타리오 에너지이사회 규제정책처장) |
17:30~18:00 | 패널토의 | |||
18:30~20:00 | 전기위원장 초청 환송만찬 (초청자에 한함) |
Speaker introduction
Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Texas
M.A. in International Management Studies, University of Texas
B.A. in Law, Korea University
Vice Chairman & CEO, LS Industrial Systems
Vice Chairman, Global Smart Grid Federation
Chairman, Korea Smart Grid Association
Vice President, Chief Operating Officer & Chief Technology Officer, POSCO
Vice President, General Superintendent of Gwangyang Works, POSCO
Executive Director, General Superintendent of Gwangyang Works, POSCO
Executive Director, General Superintendent of Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO
Director of Tech.Development/Intellectual Property/Environment Energy Dept, POSCO
Vice President, General Superintendent of Gwangyang Works, POSCO
President Assistant, Ironmaking Department, POSCO
General Manager, Ironmaking Department, POSCO
Joined POSCO
Technology Leaders’ Award in the category of ‘Chief Technology Officer’ (Korea Industrial Technology Association)
Silver Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit (President of Republic Of Korea)
Technical Prize for The Korean Welding and Joining Society
Technical Prize for Iron Manufacture division (Chairman of POSCO)
Silver Prize for Steel Technical division (Korea Iron & Steel Association)
Excellence Award of the 1st Gwangyang facilities (Commerce Minister)
Japan Electric Association Newspaper Division
(The electric daily newspaper "The Denki Shimbun")
Desk in charge of total energy
Managing editor
Editorial writer in chief
Special senior staff writer
Series of smart grid-related columns in the electric daily newspaper from 2009 through 2010.
As a freelance journalist in the fields of electric power and energy, published the column "Energy choice" which featured the theme of coal energy serially in the electric daily newspaper since 2010.
Appear to TV and a radio as a commentator about a Planned Power Outage, Restriction of Use of Electric power, the Basic Energy Plan, the smart grid after the Tohoku Earthquake in March, 2011. TV "Hiruobi(TBS)" "Miyaneya (NTV)", Radio News Tankyu Radio (TBS radio), etc.
Easy-Learning an Electric Power System
Nucliearpower : Energy in the Era of of 10 billion - 2002
Learn easly "Data Communication" 2003
Elementary Questions of Electricity 2006
Heat Pumps : Long-Awaited Way out of Global Warming - 2007
Dr. Okamoto's seminar of electric system - 2008
The new ruler of the energy, Exergy - 2010
The future of electricity, Smart Grid - 2011
Pusan National University, Rep. of Korea (1979)
Bachelor degree of Mechanical Design Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Rep. of Korea (1981)
Master degree of Aeronautical Engineering
University of Wisconsin Madison, U.S.A. (1999)
Master degree of Public Administration and Policy Development
Industrial Complex and Environment Division, MKE (Director)
Resources Development Division, MKE (Director)
Energy Efficiency Management Division, MKE (Director)
Resources Policy Division, MKE (Director)
Bureau of New Industrial Standards, KATS (Director General)
SK Research Institute for Management and Economy (Expert Advisor)
Bureau of Technology and Standards Policy, KATS (Director General)
Bureau of Emerging Industries, MKE (Director General)
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (Administrator)
Division Manager Standards
Manager of the DKE Expertise Centre / Standardization E-Energy / Smart Grids
Convenor of the Working Group Sustainable Processes within the Smart Grid Coordination Group Member of the Steering Group
Division Power Engineering and Power capacitors as well as T&D Europe on European Level
o Power Engineering High Voltage Switchgears, Power Transformers
o Metering, Power Automation, Smart Grid
Representation of interest of manufacturer’s on national and European level in front of political and community stakeholders
Management of committees for technical, legislative and economical topics
Project Management for Automation and Electrotechnology in the international plant manufacturing ㆍTeam leader for the Project Engineering Division
added new functions to the Power Grid Software systems - SCADA/EMS/DMS,
led the Circuit Thermal Monitor design and development,
led the CIM Module Management sub-system upgrade,
led customer funded software projects for CLP Hong Kong, KEPCO South Korea ,etc. and
provided technical service to the existing power grid system in Asia-Pacific region.
Bachelor of Measurement and Control
Instrument Society of America - Student Member 1996-2000
IEEE Member
Project Management Institute - certificated PMP 2008 - 2011
Ph.D. in Materials Engineering, Chungnam National University
M.A. in Materials Engineering, Chungnam National University
B.A. in Materials Engineering, Chungnam National University
Department Leader, LG Electronics
Researcher, Korea Institute of Energy Research
Research Professor, Chungnam National University
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering in Busan National University, 1987
Master of Business Administration in Ajou University, 2008
Advanced Process Control for Crude Refinery process with Micro-computer
Process retrofit and trouble shooting in Heavy Oil Cracking process
Technical marketing for Energy Saving of Building and Factory using ESCO
Member of CDM Council for Public-Private in Ministry of Knowledge Economy
Member of Green Pathfinder(Export supporting council of green industry) in KOTRA
Member of Smart Grid Standardization Forum in KATS
Steam recovery project from industrial waste incinerator in Ulsan city
LGF and Bio-gas recovery project in Ulsan city
Heat recovery project for buildings and factories using ESCO fund
Demo project of CDM Registry Installation with KEMCO
Demo project of Performance Evaluation for GHG Mitigation with KEMCO
Solar power plant project in Ulsan Grand Park in Ulsan city
Business of CHP(Combined Heat and Power) for apartment complex using ESCO
Execution of Project Design Document for LFG economic analysis in Mokpo city
Executing of Smart Grid Demonstration Project in Jeju Province, KOREA
(Smart Transportation, Smart renewable and Smart place areas) [END]