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Exhibition Overview

  • 2017 코리아 스마트그리드 엑스포(Korea Smart Grid Expo 2017)
  • 2017년 9월 27일(수) ~ 9월 29일(금), 3일간
  • 서울, 코엑스 B홀
  • 산업통상자원부
  • 한국스마트그리드협회, 코엑스
  • 전시품목
    스마트 커뮤니케이션 장비/기술
    • AMI, Smart Meter, DCU, MDMS, IHD, Smart Meter용 배터리
    • 스마트 가전기기, 대기전력차단기, 스마트 플러그
    • ZigBee, PLC통신, WiFi, RF
    • HAN 연계 Devices, AMR, 각종 Sensors
    • IoT(사물인터넷)기기/장비/기술
    스마트 ICT Solutions
    • HEMS, BEMS, FEMS, CEMS, Home Network Systems
    • Demand Response Open ADR
    • Cloud 서비스, Big Date 서비스
    • 보안솔루션, Software, Applications, 기타 스마트 ICT Systems/서비스
    스마트 송배전장비/기술
    • HVDC, 초전도 케이블, 전압조정기, 인버터, 전력반도체
    • 스마트 차단기, 스마트 분전반, 스마트 배전반
    • EV충전기(급속, 완속, 홈충전기) EV 충전서비스, EV충전SW, V2G
    • 고장진단 서비스, 원격감시 시스템, 기타 스마트 송배전기기/장비/기술
    에너지저장장치 인프라/기술
    • ESS, PCS, PMS, BMS, Capacitors, 이차전치
    스마트 Power Generation Systems
    • 분산전원, 연료전지, 태양광발전 시스템, 태양열 발전 시스템
    • 풍력발전 시스템, 소수력발전 시스템, 열병합발전 시스템
    • 바이오메스발전 시스템, 히트펌프 시스템
    • LED, ZERO하우스/빌딩, 스마트 팩토리, 에너지신산업 컨설팅 등
  • 인터배터리, 한국전기산업대전/한국발전산업전, 서울국제전기차엑스포, 신재생에너지 + 에코홈

Energy Plus?

에너지 분야 신성장 아이템의 모든것을 선보이는 아시아 대표 에너지 산업전으로코리아 스마트그리드 엑스포 2017과 인터배터리, 한국전기산업대전/한국발전산업전, 서울국제전기차엑스포, 신재생에너지 + 에코홈이 동시에 개최되어 시너지 효과를 발휘합니다


주최 : 코엑스

후원 : 전지산업협회

전시품목 : 완성차, 부품, 용품, 인프라 및 서비스


주최 : 산업통상자원부

주관 : 한국스마트그리드협회, 코엑스

전시품목 : 스마트 커뮤니케이션 장비/기술, 스마트 ICT Solutions, 스마트 송배전장비/기술,ESS 등


주최 : 산업통상자원부

주관 : 한국전기산업진흥회, 한국전력공사, 한국남동발전, 한국수력원자력, 한국중부발전, 한국서부발전, 한국남부발전, 한국동서발전

전시품목 : 발전 및 송배전기기류 전반


주최 : 코엑스

후원 : 서울특별시

전시품목 : 완성차, 부품, 용품, 인프라 및 서비스

신재생에너지 + 에코홈

주최 : 산업통상자원부

주관 : 코엑스, 이상엠앤씨

전시품목 : 재생에너지, 신에너지, 에코홈 등



Booth layout


참가업체 리스트

Exhibitor List


컨퍼런스 프로그램

Conference program

  • 기간
    2017.9.27 ~ 9.28(2일간)
  • 장소
    코엑스 3층 컨퍼런스룸(남) 317호
  • 공식언어
    한국어, 영어 (동시통역 제공)
  • 다운로드기간
    9월 29일 ~ 10월 28일
컨퍼런스 프로그램
일정 주제 연사
일자 시간
세션 1. 4차산업혁명 시대 스마트그리드 재조명과 향후 발전방향
- 4차산업혁명 시대에 따른 한국 SG의 발전방향 건국대학교
(박종배 교수)
- 표준의 중요성과 4차 산업혁명 시대의 글로벌 표준 한국표준협회
(백수현 회장)
- 4차산업혁명 시대에 에너지 기업의 대응전략 블룸버그
(Michael Wilshire, UK)
Break Time
- 신재생·분산전원 확대 정책에 따른 안정적 송·배전망 운영방안 한전
(최태일 처장)
- 전력 빅데이터와 IoT 기반의 플랫폼 구축과 비즈니스 전략 KT
(문성욱 상무)
- 4차산업혁명 시대에 전력시장의 대응전략 및 소규모 분산자원 거래시장 제도개선 전력거래소
(조강욱 실장)
세션 2. SG 수출산업화를 위한 국내·외 실증단지 기술공유
- 일본 V2X, 가상발전소(VPP) 실증사례 및 추진전략 일본
(IKS, Takashi Imai)
- 국내기업 마이크로그리드 진출사례 및 전략 LS산전
(손창희 부장)
- 글로벌 전기차 충전시장 현황 및 진출기회 EY 한영
(허윤재 팀장)
- 개발도상국 스마트그리드 투자와 파이낸싱 전략 아시아개발은행
(Susumu Yoneoka)
세션 3. SG 산업의 시장 환경과 해외 기업 유치전략
일본 Toshiba Corporation, Mr. Daisuke Takeda, Group Manager
싱가포르 National University of Singapore
(Yang LIU, PhD)
독일 Germany Trade and Invest,Heiko Staubitz
Break Time
호주 CSIRO energy, Platt Glenn
(How Intelligent and Modular Energy Storage Solutions Will Lead to a More Reliable, Scalable and Smarter Power Grid)
Parker Hannifin EGT Division
(Jim M Hoelscher, General Manager)
베트남 TBA



Speaker introduction

  • 연사 이미지1
    JongBae Park
    Konkuk University, Professor
    Seoul National University BA(’87)/MA(’89)/Ph.D(‘98)

    Full Time Employment:
    KEPCO/Anyang Univ./EPRI(USA)/Konkuk Univ.(Present)

    Part Time Activities
    MOTIE, Electricity Policy Committee, Member (2016-Present)
    IEE, Director (2016- Present)
  • 연사 이미지2
    SooHyun Bae
    Korean Standards Association, President
    Main Career
    • 2014.9 ~

      President of Korean Standards Association

    • 2014 ~

      Distinguished professor of Dongkuk University, Electronic & Electrical Engineering Dept.

    • 2013 ~ 2015

      A member of IEC/Conformity Assessment Board

    • 2009 ~ 2009

      President, Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

    • 2006 ~ 2009

      A member of FTA Advisory Committee between Korea and USA

    • 1997 ~

      Standards Committee member for Industrial Technology, Korea Agency for Technology & Standards

    • 1977 ~ 2014

      Professor of Electronic & Electrical Engineering Dept., Engineering college, Dongkuk University

    Award Winning Career
    • 2017.08

      ICEMS Excellent Contribution Award

    • 2017.04

      Electrical Engineers Contribution Award (Korea Electric Association)

    • 2014.08

      Order of Service Merit(Red Stripes) From the Korean Government

  • 연사 이미지3
    Michael Wilshire
    Head of Strategy London office
    Michael is Chief Technology Officer at Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s research where he leads our research across all renewable energy and energy-smart technologies, including smart grid and related applications. He has extensive experience as a senior energy policy maker, in both government and industry, as well as two decades of experience in consulting at McKinsey where he became a Partner.

    Michael worked in the Department of Energy in the 1980s providing policy advice to UK Government Ministries across a range of energy policy initiatives. These included one of the earliest privatizations (Amersham International) which became the foundation for much of the UKs subsequent privatization programme. He also worked on the deregulation of the energy sector, renewable energy and nuclear policy and the sale of the electricity industry. He was Principal Secretary to the Minister of State for Oil and Gas and subsequently Private Secretary to the Permanent Secretary for the Head of the Energy Ministry.

    Subsequently, Michael joined McKinsey, the leading management consulting firm, advising clients across the energy, technology and telecommunications industries. He has broad geographic experience of working for businesses and government in over 20 different countries across Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the US on strategic, operational, marketing and technology topics.

    Michael has an MA (1st class) from Cambridge University, winning the Ware, Keller and Spencer-Jones prizes for Mathematics, as well as an MBA (with distinction) from the London Business School where he graduated at the top of his year.
  • 연사 이미지4
    Taeil, Choi
    Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO),
    Vice President, Head of New Business Planning Department
    Hanyang University B.A.(’82)/ Penn. State University, Electrical Engineering M.S.(’93)/Ph.D(‘08)

    Full Time Employment:

    Part Time Activities
    The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, Smart Grid Research Group, President (2017)
    Ministry of Education, Science & Technology, Technology Level Evaluation Expert(2010)
    Kwangwoon Univ., Adjunct Professor (2001~2003)
  • 연사 이미지5
    Sunguk Moon
    KT,VP of Smart Energy Business Unit
    MBA, University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
    MA in Comm. and Electronic Engineering, Waseda University
    BA in Comm. and Electronic Engineering, Waseda University

    Main Career
    • Jan. 2014 ~

      KT Future Convergence Business Office

    • May. 2013 ~ Jan. 2014

      KT Strategic Investment dep.

    • Apr. 1999 ~ Apr. 2013

      NTT docomo

  • 연사 이미지6
    Kangwook Cho
    Korea Power Exchange
    Director, Power Economics Research Office
    I. Academic Background:
    - MS in Electrical Eng, Seoul National University, South Korea, 3/1986 - 2/1988
    - BS in Electrical Eng, Seoul National University, South Korea, 3/1982 - 2/1986

    II. Employment Record & Performance Field:
    - Mar. 1989~Mar. 2001, Korea Electricity Power Corporation
    - Apr. 2001~ Present, Korea Power Exchange
  • 연사 이미지7
    Takashi Imai
    IKS Co., Ltd, President
    Graduated Kyoto Institute of Technology Engineering Department in 1972. Entered Nippon Shinyaku Co.,Ltd. Planned and designed GMP and GLP at its Factory Equipment and FA Design Division. Also designed and implemented original computer hardware and software at its Automation Division.
    Established Apple Center Kyoto Oike in 1991. Mainly provided computer and related products and systems. Developed and provided pathology inspection system to major hospitals across the country for example.
    Established IKS Limited company in 1995. Developed technologies related to Li-ion battery, system design and designed and developed software and related devices. Started with automation of design and production of Li-ion battery production line especially for LG Chemical, mainly design and develop battery packs and charge/discharge system now. After dissolution of Apple Center Kyoto Oike in 1998, established Compass Co.,Ltd. that signed regular agency contract with Apple Computer. Sold PC peripherals other than Apple products and computer systems. Sold hospital pathology system "Star Pathology" to major hospitals across the country. Established ITM Co.,Ltd. in 2003. And conducted it as a factory for industrial electronic equipment, LED display device, Control device, variaous measurement equipment and etc. Converted IKS Limited company to IKS Co.,Ltd. in 2005.  Established IKS USA,Inc. in 2005. Conducted it as an overseas sales office. 
  • 연사 이미지8
    Changhee Sohn
    LSIS.Co., Ltd., General Manager
    Chungnam National University BA(’91)

    Full Time Employment:
    LSIS Co., Ltd.(‘91~ ).
  • 연사 이미지9
    Yoonjae (Vince) Heo
    Ernst & Young, Senior Manager
    Yoonjae (Vince) Heo is a senior manager in International Development & Strategy team at Ernst & Young. With his current role, he assists clients in the Government, Power and Utilities, Financial Services, and Technology sectors in the areas of energy storage, demand side management, distributed generation and other emerging energy technologies to develop business models and assess their commercial viability. Prior to EY, Mr. Heo worked in Global Green Growth Institute and Bloomberg Hong Kong office. He received a MSc in environmental policy and regulation from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and BA in Agricultural Economics from Seoul National University.
  • 연사 이미지10
    Susumu Yoneoka
    Asian Development Bank, Energy Specialist (Smart Grids)
    Susumu Yoneoka is the energy specialist (Smart Grids). His major roles are the technical support of operations department and the development & management of knowledge in smart grid area.
    He has about 10 years private sector working experience in planning and leading energy supply projects, especially focusing on demand-side, with expertise in the electricity sector structure, regulation, regional power supply, and smart grid technology applications in renewable energy integration, ICT system for network and demand-side management).
    Prior to joining ADB, he worked in a subsidiary of large telecommunications holding-company in Japan, as an Energy Business Planning Manager. He was responsible for leading projects in creating a smart community and led establishment of a new regional power retailing company in Japan. He has also worked in a market-leader company of new Power Producer and Supplier in Japan.
    He holds a Master's degree of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, and a Bachelor's degree of Mechanical Engineering and Science, both from Tokyo Institute of Technology.
  • 연사 이미지11
    Daisuke Takeda
    Toshiba Corporation, Group Manager
    Daisuke Takeda received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Keio University, Japan in 1996, 1998, and 2009, respectively, regarding wireless communication. He was working for Corporate Research and Development Center of Toshiba Corporation from 1998 to 2010. His major study was 3G and wireless LAN systems. He moved to business department in 2010 and he has been working on smart grid system engineering. He was in charge of Japan-US smart grid project in New Mexico. He is a manager of Battery Systems & Solutions Engineering Group and in charge of battery storage systems as well as smart gird solutions.
  • 연사 이미지12
    Yang Liu
    National University of Singapore, Senior Research Fellow
    Dr. LIU Yang is a Senior Research Fellow in Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore. His research area involves integration of renewables and energy efficiency in the district energy systems. Prior to this position, He was an Energy Specialist at the International Energy Agency (IEA), where he focused on monitoring of energy efficiency trends and impacts in emerging economies, as well as providing technical assistance to governments and businesses.
    Dr. LIU has a blend of operational and academic experience in clean energy, public policy, and sustainability strategy. Over the last few years, he has published widely on the topics of energy efficiency, renewable energy and policy evaluation in well-recognised journals including Energy Journal and Energy Economics, and he has co-authored the 2015 and 2016 IEA Global Energy Efficiency Market Reports. He earned his Ph.D. in Energy Economics from the Ecole Polytechnique of France.
  • 연사 이미지13
    Heiko Friedrich Staubitz
    Germany Trade and Invest, Senior Manager Smart Grid & Energy Storage
    Heiko Staubitz has been senior manager investor consulting in the department for Energy, Environment & Resources within GTAI since 2007. He is head of task force smart grid and responsible for the industrial settlement of international investors in Germany in the field of energy storage and smart grids.
    Prior to his position at GTAI, Heiko Staubitz worked for many years as product developer in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency at EnBW, Germany's third-largest energy supplier. He has an academic background in energy and process engineering.
  • 연사 이미지14
    Platt Glenn
    CSIRO energy, Research Director
    Glenn Platt is an entrepreneur, technology leader and researcher in the renewable energy and clean technology space. Glenn has spun out several businesses working with solar, batteries and clean technologies, and leads the Grids and Energy Efficiency program within CSIRO’s Energy Flagship.
    Glenn is a graduate of Harvard Business School, holds PhD and electrical engineering degrees from the University of Newcastle Australia, and is an adjunct professor at the University of Technology, Sydney. Prior to CSIRO, Glenn worked in Denmark with Nokia Mobile Phones on the standardisation and application of cutting-edge mobile communications technology. Before his time in Denmark, Glenn was employed in an engineering capacity for various Australian engineering consultancies, working on industrial automation and control projects.
    Glenn is a Vincent Fairfax Fellow, and a recipient of the Australian Financial Review Young Executive of the year award.
  • 연사 이미지15
    James M Hoelscher
    Parker Hannifin, General Manager
    Jim is a degreed Electrical Engineer with over 25 years of expertise in the area advanced power conversion and custom engineered system solutions. Jim has been with Parker Hannifin for 13 years and created an Energy Storage focused business unit over 10 years ago. Parker’s Energy Grid Tie div. has deployed nearly 400 MWs of battery energy storage power conversion systems on a global basis and are regarded as one of the key pioneers in the industry.
  • 연사 이미지16
    Asia Networks Viet Nam Co., Ltd, President
    Korean Military Academy (1989) US Naval Postgraduate school (Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering): 1998 UN Peace Keeping Force in East Timor and Afghanistan: 2000 ~ 2002 Asia Networks Persident




Korea Smart Grid Expo 2017 Results


  • 2017 코리아 스마트그리드 엑스포(Korea Smart Grid Expo 2017)
  • 서울, 코엑스 B홀
  • 2017년 9월 27일(수) ~ 9월 29일(금), 3일간
  • 산업통상자원부


  • 인터배터리
  • 한국전기산업대전/한국발전산업전
  • 서울국제전기차엑스포
  • 신재생에너지 + 에코홈

참가 규모


참관 규모


주요 참가업체

주요 참가업체

주요 참관객

주요 참관객
업체명 부서명 참관인원
(주)효성 엔지니어링팀, 프로세스사업팀, 전장영업팀, 특수기설계팀, 솔루션사업팀, 전장설계팀, 기획관리팀, 중전영업팀, 경영혁신팀, 창원공장 전장설계팀, 해외영업팀, Power grid integration 팀, 화학사업부, 전력영업팀 등 175
현대중공업 배전기기연구실, 회전기기연구실, 전기전자시스템사업본부 등 170
KT ICT팀, 기업통신사업부, 융합기술원, 에너지효율화사업팀, 글로벌에너지사업팀, 융합IT팀, 경영기획부, 신재생에너지사업팀, IT투자기획팀 등 165
LG CNS CE 사업팀, 발전신사업팀, 하이테크사업본부, SGT 사업본부, 컨버전스 엔지니어링, 엔지니어링 서비스팀, 스마트그린솔루션연구소, 디지털방송사업팀, LGC 자동화팀, 엔지니어링 CI팀 등 148
삼성SDI 영업기획그룹, 에너지랩, Battery연구소, 전자사업그룹, ESS마케팅, Cell 사업팀, Battery device lab 등 378
삼성전자 생활가전사업부, 인프라기술센터, 의료기기사업부, 전략마케팅팀, B2B영업팀, 에너지랩, Matereial 연구센터 등 138
LG 화학 전지사업부, 양극재생산기술팀, CRD연구소, 전자재료기획팀, Battery 연구소, 하이테크사업본부, 혁신전지PJT 등 133
LG 전자 L&E 연구센터, 이노베이션사업센터, B2B 홀솔루션 Task, 시스템수주담당 Solar Biz팀, AE 사업담당, ESS개발팀, LTO 자동차부품센터, 전기소자구매팀, GUI, CEM SA사업실, 컨버전스연구소, MC부품개발담당, 칠러영업팀 등 119
SK 이노베이션 BATTERY생산기술팀, 전략기획팀, Cell개발팀, ESS사업개발팀 등 130
GS 에너지 전지소재연구소, 사업전략팀, 연구기획관리팀, WTE 사업팀, 경영기획팀, 음극재연구실 등 126