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Exhibition Overview

  • 코리아 스마트그리드 엑스포
  • 2019.10.16(수)~18(금), 3일간
  • 서울 코엑스 B홀
  • 산업통상자원부
  • 한국스마트그리드협회, 코엑스
  • 전시품목
    스마트 커뮤니케이션 장비/기술
    • AMI, Smart Meter, DCU, MDMS, IHD, Smart Meter용 배터리
    • 스마트 가전기기, 대기전력차단기, 스마트 플러그
    • ZigBee, PLC통신, WiFi, RF
    • HAN 연계 Devices, AMR, 각종 Sensors
    • IoT(사물인터넷)기기/장비/기술
    스마트 ICT Solutions
    • HEMS, BEMS, FEMS, CEMS, Home Network Systems
    • Demand Response Open ADR
    • Cloud 서비스, Big Date 서비스
    • 보안솔루션, Software, Applications, 기타 스마트 ICT Systems/서비스
    스마트 송배전장비/기술
    • HVDC, 초전도 케이블, 전압조정기, 인버터, 전력반도체
    • 스마트 차단기, 스마트 분전반, 스마트 배전반
    • EV충전기(급속, 완속, 홈충전기) EV 충전서비스, EV충전SW, V2G
    • 고장진단 서비스, 원격감시 시스템, 기타 스마트 송배전기기/장비/기술
    에너지저장장치 인프라/기술
    • ESS, PCS, PMS, BMS, Capacitors, 이차전치
    스마트 Power Generation Systems
    • 분산전원, 연료전지, 태양광발전 시스템, 태양열 발전 시스템
    • 풍력발전 시스템, 소수력발전 시스템, 열병합발전 시스템
    • 바이오메스발전 시스템, 히트펌프 시스템
    • LED, ZERO하우스/빌딩, 스마트 팩토리, 에너지신산업 컨설팅 등
  • 인터배터리, 한국전기산업대전/한국발전산업전

Energy Plus?

에너지 분야 신성장 아이템의 모든것을 선보이는 아시아 대표 에너지 산업전으로코리아 스마트그리드 엑스포 2019과 인터배터리, 한국전기산업대전/한국발전산업전이 동시에 개최되어 시너지 효과를 발휘합니다


주최 : 산업통상자원부

주관 : 한국스마트그리드협회, 코엑스

전시품목 : 스마트 커뮤니케이션 장비/기술, 스마트 ICT Solutions, 스마트 송배전장비/기술,ESS 등


주최 : 코엑스

주관 : 전지산업협회

전시품목 : 완성차, 부품, 용품, 인프라 및 서비스


주최 : 산업통상자원부

주관 : 한국전기산업진흥회, 한국전력공사, 한국남동발전, 한국수력원자력, 한국중부발전, 한국서부발전, 한국남부발전, 한국동서발전

전시품목 : 발전 및 송배전기기류 전반



Booth layout



참가업체 리스트

Exhibitor List


컨퍼런스 프로그램

Conference program

  • 기간
    2019. 10. 17(목) ~ 10. 18(금)
  • 장소
    코엑스 4층 컨퍼런스룸 402호,403호
  • 공식언어
    한국어, 영어 (동시통역 제공)
컨퍼런스 프로그램
일정 주제 연사
일자 시간
10.17 (목)
(국제 스마트 그리드 컨퍼런스)
세션1 : 국가 에너지계획에서의 SG 역할 및 외국기업과 해외진출 협력방안
제3차 에너지기본계획과 미래 에너지산업에서 스마트그리드의 역할
The 3rd Basic Energy Plan and the Role of Smart Grid in Future Energy
김진우 교수
(건국대, 前에너지기본계획 워킹그룹 위원장) 
SG분야에서의 ABB와 국내기업과의 해외진출 협력사례 및 협력방안
Co-work cases of ABB and Korean company in overseas markets regarding Smart Grid
안상호 그룹장
전력송전 및 정보통신기술 분야에서의 AIIB 역할과 협력방안
Working with AIIB in Power Transmission and ICT
Najeeb Haider
(AIIB Manager of Investment Operations) 
세션2 : 아시아 국가들의 스마트그리드 투자 계획과 국내 기업의 진출 방안(ADB 연계)
ADB의 에너지분야 투자 현황
Energy Sector Investments in ADB
(ADB, Senior Energy Specialist)
파푸아뉴기니 Francis Uratun
(PNG Power Limited)
몽골 Naranbat Mendsaikhan
(National Dispatching Center Of Mongolia)
(20') Break Time
스리랑카 Ronald Comester
(Ceylon Electricity Board)
베트남 Nguyen Hai Ha
(Vietnam Electricity EVN)
10. 16(수)
(수요관리 Biz 모델 확산을 위한 컨퍼런스)
수요자원 시장 제도 및 변화 한국전력거래소
수요자원거래시장 서비스 모델 및 연계 솔루션 서비스 현황 KT
전력수요관리 활성화를 위한 에너지 수익 서비스 모델 쿠루
스마트미터링 기술개발 추진 현황 옴니시스템
AMI 솔루션 및 응용 서비스 모델 에너넷
10. 18(금)
(스마트그리드 표준 세미나)
ESS용 PMS 정보교환 요구사항 LS산전
분산자원 스마트 인버터 기능 및 시험방법 한국전기연구원
마이크로그리드 유스케이스 LS산전
열 관리 시스템을 적용한 직류 충전 인터페이스 한국전기연구원



Speaker introduction

  • 연사 이미지1
    Jinwoo Kim
    Konkuk University
    Electric & Electronic Engineering
    Industry-University Cooperation Professor
    Professor Kim contributed to outlining the 3rd National Energy Basic Plan of Korea(2019~2040), heading the drafting working group for the establishment of the plan. The plan is directed toward the transition of the national energy system, including a drastic increase of renewable energy utilization. He had been working with Korea Energy Economics Institute between 1980 and 2013, as a senior research fellow and President & CEO of the Institute. And he was with the Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology, Yonsei University as a distinguished professor until 2018. Although he has studied on various aspects of Korea’s national energy policies throughout his professional career, his primary research interests are basic directions, policy measures, and related issues for the power industry development. He has conducted many research projects on power supply and demand outlook, market operation, power tariff restructuring, fuel mix of generation, etc. Recently his research interest is on future energy strategies for the new energy industry development to cope with global climate change. He received a Ph.D. in Natural Resources/Environmental Economics at the University of Colorado at Boulder. USA. He is expected to continue his research and consultation activities on major energy issues such as national strategies towards a low-carbon society and improvement of international competitiveness of the energy industry, etc.
  • 연사 이미지2
    SangHo Ahn
    ABB Korea
    Country Sales Manager (Korea and Japan)
    1. Job title:

    Country Sales Manager for ELIS, Korea & Japan (current)

    Product Marketing Director for EPDS, Korea (~2018)

    2. AWARD and PATENT:

    The Prime Minister’s Awards for Energy Efficiency and Industrialization (The Prime Minister, 2017) (국무총리포장, 전력효율화 및 산업화)

    The Minster’s Awards for Smart Grid Industrialization and Export (Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, 2014) (산업자원부 장관상, SG산업화 및 수출화)

    Patent for Smart Cabinet Panel ( Korea, 2011)

    Patent for Electric Smart Meter Enabling Demand Response and Method for Demand Response

    3. Education (the latest)

    Seoul National University, Ph.D. Candidate, Electric Engineering (Feb, 2010, Seoul, Korea)

  • 연사 이미지3
    Najeeb Haider
    Investment Operations
    Najeeb Haider is currently Manager of Investment Operations (IO) Department III at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). He joined AIIB in September 2016 as Principal Strategy Officer in the Policy & Strategy team and moved to IO in January, 2018. Prior to joining AIIB, Mr. Haider worked for Citicorp International Limited (CIL). He spent most of his 21 years with CIL in the project and infrastructure finance team and his last position held was Managing Director and Asia Pacific Head for project and infrastructure finance. He also held the title of Managing Director Acquisition Finance and Debt Private Placements for two years with CIL.
    Before moving to Beijing to join AIIB, he was based in Hong Kong for 19 years and prior to that in Karachi. Previously he worked in the corporate banking departments of the Chase Manhattan Bank (4 years) and Bank of America. Mr. Haider holds BBA and MBA degrees from the Institute of Business Administration, University of Karachi.
  • 연사 이미지4
    Daekyeong Kim
    Asian Development Bank
    Sustainable Development and Climate Change
    Senior Energy Specialist
    He is a senior energy specialist (Smart Grids) of the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, ADB. His major roles are operations support and knowledge development & management in smart grid area.
    Prior to join ADB, he worked at private sector for 3 years and public sector for 30 years as a power system engineer and researcher in Korea. He was the person in charge of the National Smart Grid Roadmap, the 1st Smart Grid Action plan and Smart Grid R&D Program Planning in Korea.
    He has been actively participated in the international collaboration activities such as APEC EGNRET, APEC Smart Grid Initiative, ISGAN (International Smart Grid Action Network) and so on. Through these activities, he becomes familiar to the status of smart grid in both developed countries and developing countries.
  • 연사 이미지5
    Francis Uratun
    PNG Power Limited
    Strategy and Innovation Directorate
    Director Network Planning
    Mr Francis Uratun is a Network Planning Engineer. Mr Uratun is responsible for development of the Least Cost Power Development Strategies in Papua New Guinea Grids. Mr Uratun brings with him 15 years’ experience in the PNG Power Sector covering generation, transmission and distribution which include electrification program. This has given him excellent broad based skills and experiences in writing specification, feasibility studies, technical studies, power system modeling, design (conceptual and detail) and project management.

    His specific skills and competencies include:

    Electrical (Power) Engineering with 15 years’ experience in power industry

    Power system Modeling (using PSSE)

  • 연사 이미지6
    Naranbat Mendsaikhan
    National Dispatching Center Of Mongolia
    Technical Innovation Department
    Head of the Department
    Employments Record:
    • - 2004

      Project Engineer in Energy Authority of Mongolia

    • - 2004-2009

      Project Engineer in National Dispatching Center

    • - 2009-2011

      Project Engineer in Ministry of Energy

    • - 2011-2012

      AMR system Administrator in National Dispatching center

    • - 2012-2019

      Project manager in Private sector for Construction of High voltage OHLs and Substations. Project Senior Engineer for Developing of a Power Plant Project.

    • - Since 2019

      Head of Technological Innovation Department in National Dispatching Center

    Working experience:

    “Establishment of a new Automatic Meter Reading System (AMR) in the CES of Mongolia”.

    “Establishment of a new Load Dispatching System “(SCADA) in the Power System Mongolia”.

    Rehabilitation of relay protection and automation panels in CHP#3 and CHP#4.

    “Rehabilitation of DC supply system in selected 220kV and 110 kV 20 substations in Power System Mongolia”.

  • 연사 이미지7
    Ronald Comester
    Ceylon Electricity Board
    Research & Development
    Director Network Planning
    Mr. Ronald Comester, who is an electrical engineer by profession, is the Deputy General Manager of Research & Development Branch in Ceylon Electricity Board, which is a generation to distribution vertically integrated electric utility in Sri Lanka. Mr. Comester is, at present, responsible for many researches related to smart metering and smart grid in CEB. Mr. Comester has academic graduate specialization in electrical engineering discipline and has earned experience well over 28 years in the trade. Wide spectrum of experience in generation, transmission, and distribution, enriched Mr. Comester, while gaining expertise in Demand-side Management; management of electricity beyond the customer energy meter. Mr. Ronald Comester is immediate past president of Sri Lanka Energy Managers Association. His career with a MBA, in electrical utility arena was further strengthen by being the Deputy General Manager (Human Resources Management) more than three years in CEB.




Korea Smart Grid Expo 2019 Results


  • 2019 코리아 스마트그리드 엑스포(Korea Smart Grid Expo 2019)
  • 서울 코엑스 B홀
  • 2019년 10월 16일(수) ~ 18일(금), 3일간
  • 산업통상지원부


  • 인터배터리
  • 한국전기산업대전/한국발전산업전

참가 규모


참관 규모


주요 참가업체

주요 참가업체

주요 참관객

주요 참관객
업체명 부서명
(주)효성 엔지니어링팀, 프로세스사업팀, 전장영업팀, 특수기설계팀, 솔루션사업팀, 전장설계팀, 기획관리팀, 중전영업팀, 경영혁신팀, 창원공장 전장설계팀, 해외영업팀, Power grid integration 팀, 화학사업부, 전력영업팀 등
현대중공업 배전기기연구실, 회전기기연구실, 전기전자시스템사업본부 등
KT ICT팀, 기업통신사업부, 융합기술원, 에너지효율화사업팀, 글로벌에너지사업팀, 융합IT팀, 경영기획부, 신재생에너지사업팀, IT투자기획팀 등
LG CNS CE 사업팀, 발전신사업팀, 하이테크사업본부, SGT 사업본부, 컨버전스 엔지니어링, 엔지니어링 서비스팀, 스마트그린솔루션연구소, 디지털방송사업팀, LGC 자동화팀, 엔지니어링 CI팀 등
삼성SDI 영업기획그룹, 에너지랩, Battery연구소, 전자사업그룹, ESS마케팅, Cell 사업팀, Battery device lab 등
삼성전자 생활가전사업부, 인프라기술센터, 의료기기사업부, 전략마케팅팀, B2B영업팀, 에너지랩, Matereial 연구센터 등
LG 화학 전지사업부, 양극재생산기술팀, CRD연구소, 전자재료기획팀, Battery 연구소, 하이테크사업본부, 혁신전지PJT 등
LG 전자 L&E 연구센터, 이노베이션사업센터, B2B 홀솔루션 Task, 시스템수주담당 Solar Biz팀, AE 사업담당, ESS개발팀, LTO 자동차부품센터, 전기소자구매팀, GUI, CEM SA사업실, 컨버전스연구소, MC부품개발담당, 칠러영업팀 등
SK 이노베이션 BATTERY생산기술팀, 전략기획팀, Cell개발팀, ESS사업개발팀 등
GS 에너지 전지소재연구소, 사업전략팀, 연구기획관리팀, WTE 사업팀, 경영기획팀, 음극재연구실 등